[Health care_Lanuva] IGG Max IMMUNE SUPPORT

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[라누바] IGG 맥스 면역방패 60캡슐 (한달분)

[라누바] IGG 맥스

IGG 맥스는 하루 1, 2캡슐 복용으로 우리 면역력을 증진하고 보호하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있는 면역 건강기능식품입니다.

면역에 가장 직접적이고 효과적인 핵심성분이자 항체로도 불리는 면역글로불린 G(IGG) 함유하였습니다. 또한, 비타민 C 보다 100배 강력한 파인바크 추출물을 담았습니다.

기본 면역 유지에 필요한 비타민 D, 비타민 C, 비타민 B6, 아연, 마그네슘까지 첨가하여 따로 챙겨 드실 필요가 없습니다.

IGG 맥스에 함유된 프리미엄 원료들은 200번 넘는 임상시험을 통하여 우리 면역에 도움을 줄 수 있는 것이 입증되었습니다.

또한, 미국 GMP 생산 시설에서 생산되어 신뢰할 수 있습니다.

제부터 온 가족의 면역 IGG맥스로 지키세요!

- 임상시험으로 효능, 효과 입증된 프리미엄 원료 사용
- 미국 식약청 GRAS (안전원료) 인증 받은 원료 사용
- 미국 GMP 시설 생산


* 복용방법: 하루 2알 식사와 같이 섭취하세요.

60정 식물성 캡슐(30일분)

[Lanuva] IGG Max

IGG Max is made with ten potent immune-boosting ingredients, making it the only supplement you need to fortify your family’s immune system.

Our use of premium ingredients backed by extensive clinical studies, medical research, and international patents ensures the highest quality for our products.

IGG Max is a unique immune supplement that has been meticulously crafted with the highest quality premium ingredients. We have taken great care in selecting only the most potent and effective ingredients that are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system. Each ingredient has been carefully chosen based on extensive research and scientific studies, to ensure that we provide the best possible supplement for our customers.

“IGG Max is offering some really beneficial and innovative approaches to helping your immunity….I really recommend…IGG Max as a top line supplement that could help you.”

Dr. Eric Wood, N.D. / Naturopathic Doctor, Harvard University

“IGG Max is a total immune solution that really helps to boost, protect, and maintain the overall immune system.  I recommend IGG Max for everyone.”


Dr. Anna Chacon, M.D. / Brown University

  • Clnically Proven Ingredients - Lanuva IGG Max contains clinically proven ingredients, IGG and French pine bark, that have been shown to support your overall immune system.
  • 7 Powerful Immunity Ingredients - Lanuva IGG Max is scientifically formulated with seven powerful immunity-boosting ingredients, including Immunoglobulin G (IGG), French pine bark, Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, Magnesium, and Zinc.
  • Immune Support for the Whole Family - Everyone in your family can benefit from IGG Max, as it was formulated to support immune defense for young adults, adults, and the elderly. Lanuva IGG Max is your one-stop immune support supplement for the whole family!
  • Enhance Your Gut Health - With over seventy percent of immune cells in our gut, gut health is a vital part of our immune system. Our IGG (Immunoglobulin G) extract has over sixty clinical studies supporting gut health. Fortify your immunity with Lanuva IGG Max.
  • High Manufacturing Standards - Lanuva IGG Max has been manufactured in a GMP certified facility and proudly made in the U.S.A.

제품 유효기간: 07/2025
Product Expiration Date: 07/2025

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